Lots of time to write while waiting for someone to get out of a studio…

Quick musings about some of the challenges, rewards and observations that can come up along the way when supporting tween, teen and young adult creative artists.

Understanding Teen Self-Sabotage in the Face of Success

Understanding Teen Self-Sabotage in the Face of Success

As a parent or mentor of a teen in the performing arts, you may witness them work incredibly hard to achieve a goal. You are excited and proud as you see them making progress. Then, just when it seems that it is right around the corner, you witness them pulling back....

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Fear is The Big Bad Wolf

Fear is The Big Bad Wolf

Fear is the big bad wolf of emotions for most creative teens. It huffs and puffs and blows their dreams down if they don’t manage it well. Learning to move through fear by building a house of strategic "bricks" can help keep it at bay.   At some point, we will...

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2025 Parenting Talent LLC

Alaina Johnson, Psy.D, is a clinical psychologist based in Illinois. This website and all of its contents wherein is for general educational purposes only. It does not constitute and should not substitute for individual professional advice, psychotherapy, or the provision of psychological services. Please see the Terms of Use for further information.