Lots of time to write while waiting for someone to get out of a studio…

Quick musings about some of the challenges, rewards and observations that can come up along the way when supporting tween, teen and young adult creative artists.

The Complexity of the Word “Talent” for Teens and Tweens

The Complexity of the Word “Talent” for Teens and Tweens

“Talent.” It’s a word that is used in our culture on a regular basis. When we see a better-than-expected performance, product, or presentation, our inclination is to comment on the talent of the individual who has impressed us. I’ve heard this applied to my own...

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Supporting Your Teen Performer Through Illness or Injury

Supporting Your Teen Performer Through Illness or Injury

As a parent of a teen in the performing arts, you watch your child sacrifice free time, miss out on social events while they pour their heart and soul into preparing for the ultimate big reward. A moment when they get to shine in a performance. When this moment never...

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2025 Parenting Talent LLC

Alaina Johnson, Psy.D, is a clinical psychologist based in Illinois. This website and all of its contents wherein is for general educational purposes only. It does not constitute and should not substitute for individual professional advice, psychotherapy, or the provision of psychological services. Please see the Terms of Use for further information.